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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, September 5, 2012




Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Happy Day turns to A Sad Day

[my friends]

I visited Davao City.
The place where I grew up,
Davao City really improve a lot 
I texted my friends that I’m coming
So, we plan to see each other
‘Cause it’s been really long time since the
Last time I’ve seen them.

We watched a movie, we take pictures together,
we talked about many things
And I discover something about them and
I’m really sad and hurt about ItWan Wan Emoticons 28

               My Ex-boyfriend and my friend is already datingTV Baby emoticon
It hurts so much that I can’t even smile at
Them… (That ex-boyfriend I’m talking about is the
One I’m writing in my article LOVE LESS to read my article
LOVE LESS just scroll down.)
Together with them I feel very awkward.
Being with my friend and my ex-boyfriend,
But I didn’t show them that I’m hurt nor I’m sad.
I just show them how happy I am to be with them.

I know I don’t have the right to get angry
Or sad because we’re already finished, but
It really hurts so much.
I know the best thing to do now is to move on.
And that’s I’m trying to do now.
I should be happy to them…right?Wan Wan Emoticons 38

иехт тiме то соитiиυе му иёω sτσяу  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Love Less

   Love TV Baby emoticon

I experience having
a boyfriend before
but didn't really feel it's real.
For me it's just for fun,
because my friends have 
their boyfriends so I should have one too..
But i just realize it's wrong....Yoyo & Cici Emoticons 92


When I was in my

Kindergarten years, i have this really
Handsome classmate, but
We don't get along well...
We always fight until we grew up...
Time goes by, we fall for what they call LOVE
We became lovers, we're so happy 
but there some fights happen.

Because of some problems, my mom and I
Should move to the Pantukan, 
I have no choice but broke up with him...

But until now........i still love him

BoBo NiNi Mouse emoticon

иехт тiме то соитiиυе му иёω sτσяу  Bobi & Nini Emoticons 9

Monday, June 20, 2011


2nd Year High School 

Yehey !
i'm already in 2nd Year High School !
I'm in section SSC it's the very
special class in all sections..
First day of school is a bit scary
because our new teacher is strict..
But I need to do my best ! 

[♥               ♥]

[ Practicing for our variety show ]

[ Tree Climbing]

[♥               ♥]

2 weeks already passed
after going to school..
Being a 2nd year student
is really challenging 
'cause it's difficult already..
Need to answer questions orally 
that makes your heart beat fast,
ugh~ so awkward !Wan Wan Emoticons 35

[♥               ♥]

[My cute little friends]

[My Loves]

[♥               ♥]

иехт тiме то соитiиυе му иёω sτσяу Wan Wan Emoticons 41